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Pre-Insulated Pipes

Heating Pipes

Hyperflexible, our pre-insulated pipes available in single or double version are intended for heating by hydro-distribution in buried networks.

In its double version, the flow and return medium pipes are grouped together in the same jacket pipe and differentiated by their colour. The orange/blue colour code allows easy identification of the flow/return.

Sanitary Pipes

Hyperflexible, our pre-insulated pipes available in single or double version are designed to transport domestic hot water in buried distribution networks.

In its double version, we transport domestic hot water and its looping.

Quadruple + Heat pump pipes

Hyperflexible, our pre-insulated Quadruple pipes (4 pipes) combine two applications: two medium pipes for domestic hot water and two medium pipes for heating by hydro-distribution in buried networks.

This product is also available with two cables sleeves for remote connection of air/water heat pumps to residential housing.

Cold + Cooling pipes

Hyperflexible, our pre-insulated Cool pipes are intended for the transport of cold potable water: potable water, cooling water, waste water or other fluids, in buried distribution networks.

The W10-version of our Cool pipes are equipped with a self-regulating 10 Watt/m heating cable to prevent stagnant water from freezing.

Terrendis is a subsidiary of Endralis. We design and manufacture high-performance and sustainable products with a virtuous life cycle for the environment. Our products contribute to improve the performance of tomorrow's networks infrastructure and buildings. Their environmental footprint is positive for the ecosystem.

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