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Other pipe accessories

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Shrink end caps single

To prevent ingress of (ground) water, the EN 15632-3 standard prescribes the usage of shrink end caps to seal the extremities of the non-bonded piping system at buried connections. Failing to do so involves a genuine damage risk and automatically voids the system warranty.

Medium Pipe
dout [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 75 [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 90 [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 110 [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 140 [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 160 [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 200 [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 225 [mm]
25 SEC/75 SEC/90 SEC/110
32 SEC/75 SEC/90 SEC/110 SEC/140-S SEC/160-S
40 SEC/90 SEC/110 SEC/140-S SEC/160-S
50 SEC/110 SEC/140 SEC/160-S
63 SEC/140 SEC/160 SEC/200-S
75 SEC/140 SEC/160 SEC/200-S
90 SEC/160 SEC/200-S SEC/225
110 SEC/200-S SEC/225
125 SEC/200 SEC/225

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Shrink end caps double

Medium Pipe
dout [mm]
Medium Pipe
dout [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 140 [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 160 [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 200 [mm]
Jacket Pipe
dout 225 [mm]
25 20 SECD/140
25 25 SECD/140 SECD/160
32 25 SECD/140 SECD/160
32 32 SECD/140 SECD/160
40 25 SECD/140 SECD/160
40 32 SECD/140 SECD/160
40 40 SECD/140 SECD/160
50 25 SECD/160
50 32 SECD/160
50 50 SECD/160 SECD/200-S
63 63 SECD/200 SECD/225
75 75 SECD/225

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Shrink end caps quadruple and heat pump

The SECQ/10 shrink end cap is designed for all quadruple and heat pump pipes.

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Seal chain for non-pressurized water

Modular seal chain designed for hydrostatically sealing pre-insulated pipe penetrations in walls, floors and ceilings. Seal Chain Assemblies can be mounted in core drill holes, or inside fibre cement or PVC wall sleeves, which are poured into the concrete construction.

Art. No.
Jacket pipe
dout [mm]
Wall opening
SCHA9/200 75 100 1.0
SCHA7/300 75 120 0.7
SCHA6/360 75 150 1.4
SCHA8/300 90 130 0.8
SCHA9/340 90 150 0.7
SCHA10/300 110 150 1.0
SCHA13/340 140 200 1.9
SCHA14/300 160 200 1.2
SCHA9/475 160 250 4.0
SCHA9/325 200 250 2.0
SCHA12/410 225 300 5.0

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Ring seal for pressurized water

Ring seal designed for hydrostatically sealing pre-insulated pipe penetrations in walls, floors and ceilings. Ring seals can be mounted in core drill holes or inside fibre cement or PVC wall sleeves, which are poured into the concrete contruction. Pressure tight waterproof up to 0.5 bar.

Art. No.
Jacket pipe
dout [mm]
Wall opening
RS75/150 75 150 1.9
RS90/150 90 150 1.7
RS110/150 110 150 1.4
RS140/200 140 200 2.2
RS160/250 160 250 4.1
RS200/250 200 250 2.6
RS225/300 225 300 4.6

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PVC wall sleeve

Wall feed through sleeves made of PVC accommodates pre-insulated pipe equipped with a seal chain or ring seal. PVC has a dilatation behavior, similar to that of the concrete in which it is embedded.

Art. No.
Jacket pipe
dout [mm]
Wall sleeve
din [mm]
Wall sleeve
Length [mm]
WSPVC150 75 or 90 or 110 150 400 1.3
WSPVC200 140 or 160 200 400 1.7
WSPVC250 160 or 200 250 400 6.3
WSPVC300 225 300 400 3.4

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Fiber cement wall sleeve

Wall feed through sleeves made of fiber cement accommodates pre-insulated pipe equipped with a seal chain or ring seal. Fiber cement has a dilatation behavior, similar to that of the concrete in which it is embedded.

Art. No.
Jacket pipe
dout [mm]
Wall sleeve
din [mm]
Wall sleeve
Length [mm]
WSFI150 75 or 90 or 110 150 400 8.0
WSFI200 140 or 160 200 400 13.5
WSFI250 160 or 200 250 400 16.4
WSFI300 225 300 400 20.0

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Wall feed through assembly for non-pressurized water

Wall feed through assembly for wall penetrations above the groundwater table (= for non-pressurized water), comprising a corrugated HDPE throughput pipe sleeve and a heat shrink sleeve to seal between the throughput pipe sleeve and the entering pre-insulated pipe. At the outside, the bricked- in throughput pipe sleeve must protrude ± 10 cm from the finished wall surface to allow the mounting of the heat shrinkable sleeve.

Art. No.
Jacket pipe
dout [mm]
Thoughtput pipe
dout [mm]
Troughout pipe
Length [mm]
WSL75 75 110 500
WSL90/110 90 or 110 140 500
WSL140/160 140 or 160 200 500
WSL200 200 235 500
WSL225 225 295 500

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Repair tape

Repair tape is being used to repair perforations or other damages at the outside jacket pipe. Available as:

  • Heat shrinkable tape (RETAP-H)
  • Cold applied version (RETAP-C)
Art. No.
Tape dimensions
Tape dimensions
RETAP-H 200 10
RETAP-C 150 10

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Warning tape

Warning tape is positioned above the buried pipes to avoid damaging these pipes when carrying out ground works at a later stage.

Art. No.
Tape dimensions
Tape dimensions
TA80/250WB 80 250 blue
TA80/250WR 80 250 red

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Shrink sleeve

Heat-shrinkable tubular sleeve for field-applied repair of perforations or other damages at the outside jacket pipe.

Art. No.
Jacket pipe
dout [mm]
SSL75 75 225
SSL90/110 90 225
SSL90/110 110 225
SSL140/160 140 225
SSL140/160 160 225
SSL200/225 200 225
SSL200/225 225 225

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